In the broader sense, there are only three forms of God.
Sargun (God With Attributes)
It has some form, some properties using which HE can be identified: e.g., Gurus, Avatars, Prophets. Sargun appears to fulfill the devotee’s wishes. Sargun is the concept of senses because Sargun form can be felt through 5 senses. It is the most accessible form to understand and work towards.
e.g., [Car is a physical entity because it has some properties we can feel with our senses.]
Nirgun (God Without Attributes)
Nirgun is the power running the entire universe and is the root of everything. He is everywhere. Without his power, nothing would work. Nirgun is beyond the senses and mind; therefore, it is impossible to understand by intellect or reading; It is very subtle. Even if we try to understand it via reason, we will believe it but will not realize it from the core of the heart.
e.g. [A car without a driver is nothing. It is of no use. In the same way, the Nirgun form of God provides power to everything in this universe.]
e.g.[Air is so subtle that we cannot see it; Space is more subtle than air, and we cannot see space. Nirgun is much more subtle than Space. Therefore, if we cannot see space, how can we understand Nirgun.]
But some pointers help us to feel the difference between Sargun vs Nirgun. We must compare it with certain things we are aware of as human beings. e.g
Fire is hidden inside the wood. The fire appears when you slide two pieces of wood against each other. This fire (seen by our eyes) will be extinguished after some time. This physical fire we can feel via senses is Sargun, but the hidden fire is Nirgun. Sargun is for some time and returns to its base form when its work is completed.
Butter is hidden in Milk and is always present. We cannot see the butter in the milk itself; it has to be churned to extract it. The butter produced after churning milk is called Sargun, but in the latent form, which was present in milk before stirring, it is called Nirgun.
A person wearing expensive clothes will be called a King. If the same person wears rags, people call him a beggar. Now, if the same person removes all clothes, people would call him human. Here the person referred to as king and beggar are Sargun and a person without clothes in Nirgun.
Gold is base, but jewelry has multiple forms, i.e.,, bracelets, necklaces, etc.
Water is one, but at the same time, it also takes the form of tides and bubbles. Here bubbles and tides are Sargun, and the base is water Nirgun.
Seed holds the whole plant: Take a mustard seed or any other seed and sow it in the ground. The seed germinates into a beautiful plant in a short time, and out of that first original seed, we get a thousand seeds. Sow these thousand seeds, and you will get millions of seeds. The infinite potential was hidden or latent in the original seed with which we begin. Thus, we see that the word seed has an apparent meaning and a real purpose. The evident meaning of the word seed is the form, size, weight, and properties we can sense with our senses, but the real meaning of the word seed is the infinite power latent in the seed form. There we see the Infinite in the Finite.
Virat (Everything)
It is the 3rd form of God, known as the "Universal form of God," i.e., the whole universe is the body of God. He is in everything, and everything is in Him. It is an imaginary form of Sargun.
e.g. [Sky is His head, Patal (Underworlds) is feet, in-between planes are the stomach, Sea is urine place, rivers/canals are His Nadis, all beings (84 lakh) are germs inside His body, Sun and Moon are His two eyes, mountains are bones, all nature is room, etc.