We assume that indoor air is a safe haven from outside air pollution, but US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has ranked indoor air pollution as one of the top threats to public health. The three most significant problems that make it hard for our bodies to stay healthy and fresh are:
Stale air; these days, high-tech ventilation systems bring fresh air from outside. But additional ventilation is needed to remove moisture, heat, and odors. So, it remains a balancing act to provide sufficient ventilation for comfort without necessitating excessive energy consumption.
Indoor air pollution due to emissions from modern materials used in the homes (e.g., adhesives, carpeting, ceiling tiles, cleaning products, floor covering, gas stoves, etc.). Our so-called air fresheners add another layer of pollution whose chemical particles we breathe in.
Excessive positive ions (unhealthy) are present in our homes due to insulation from the earth, electrical appliances, central air conditioning, and central heating.
After we take in air through the lungs, our red blood cells pick up the oxygen and carry it to the rest of the cells in our body. Cells then use this steady oxygen supply in their energy production process called metabolism. If our cells get enough oxygen, they will be healthy. Healthy cells make up a healthy body. Every time we breathe out through our lungs, we let out toxins. These wastes are the by-products of the metabolism that is constantly taking place in our cells. If we are always bringing in old, stale, polluted air, we are depriving our cells of one of their most basic needs. This is harmful to our overall health and well-being. Replacing old, stale air with fresh, clean air is essential. Moreover, fresh air is full of negative ions. It has a good amount of oxygen and is free of pollutants.
Fresh Air
Fresh air is made up of several different known and unknown gases. Our scientists have yet to fully understand the composition of fresh air, e.g., pranic/living energy is also abundant in the fresh air. Fresh air includes a lot of negative ions. Negative ions are significant, especially around waterfalls, on the ocean surf, at the beach, during thunderstorms, near moving water, and widespread in mountains and forests.
Suggestions for Health
Deep Breaths in the open: During the early morning, stand straight in front of an open window or outside and take 10-15 deep breaths through the nose.
Open Windows: Do open your windows daily (at least for a few seconds). If windows are sealed because of winter, open your main door for a few minutes. It will bring fresh air, and the living/pranic energy and negative ions will also enter your home.
Plants: The air in a living room can be drastically activated only by placing foliage plants. Placing plants to absorb toxic substances and clean air is recommended to help decrease positive ions. When a plant breezes, it generates pure oxygen. An electron is fond of oxygen very much. It combines with oxygen generating negative ions. It is the same reason we feel fine in the forest. Get this book "How to Grow Fresh Air by Dr. B.C. Wolverton"; it lists 50 indoor plants that NASA researched.
Shower: If the water temperature of your shower is lower than your body temperature, you will breathe negative ions into the system. Shower spray will cover most of your body, allowing the skin surface to receive these ions.
Place a large pan of water OR Fountain inside your home. The water should be moving all the time (e.g water stored in round/egg shaped vessel). In other words, water should not be stagnant but should be flowing. The water will collect air impurities from the room; the air will be fresher. Refill the pan every day.
Further Reading:
How To Grow Fresh Air By Dr B C Wolverton
Science of Breath By Swami Rama, Rudolph Ballentine, Alan Hymes
Slow Death by Rubber Duck: The Secret Danger of Everyday Things By Rick Smith and Bruce Lourie
Better Basics for the Home: Simple Solutions for Less Toxic Living By Annie Berthold-Bond