The law of change states that everything is in the process of becoming something else. Change happens everywhere and with everyone and happens constantly. So too, in our lives, change is the one constant that we can be sure of. Change is the law of the universe and is the truth of life.
Everything we experience in the external world is a manifestation of something else. The house is made of bricks, and the bricks are made of sand. The flowers arise from the soil, only to return to the ground. Today's friend is tomorrow's enemy, and then again, friend. The form changes, and we call it "house" instead of "sand," or "flower" instead of "soil," or "friend" instead of "foe," or "dead" instead of "living" while all along it is made of the same stuff of the Universe, ever stable, ever pure.
e.g. [Just a slight change in the frequency of the vibration of atoms (how fast or slow they vibrate) in a molecule (group of atoms) can completely change our perception of what it is. For example, we know the slower vibrating molecules of H2O as ice, a solid; as the frequency of vibration increases, we know them as water, a liquid; faster still, as steam; faster yet, as Hydrogen and Oxygen gas. As vibrational frequency increases, a more etheric quality develops. Something may even seem to vanish (like steam), but nothing is ever lost in the Universe; it just changes form.]
Death is also a change. Death is our biggest fear. We need to understand death to understand life. Death is not the end of life but simply a pause in a continuing story. It is the body that dies, the garment that provides the covering for the soul on its visit to the worldly plane. The inner Self remains unaffected. It does not and cannot die because it is eternal.
The fear of death and the pain associated with death are intrinsically linked with attachment to the passing world of names and forms. Just these attachments to objects and relationships and the belief in the need for them strengthen the fear of death. We are dependent on those things, people, feelings, and bodies. We identify with them and are attached to them. When they go or change, we feel pain. These attachments, along with ignorance, are the source of the fear of death. The more we are attached, the greater our fear of death. Those without attachments—those who do not perceive themselves as owning anything in their lives and who know that their bodies are just instruments—are free from fear.
e.g. [Man feels pain when his child dies but won't feel that much pain when his enemies die. Again Man feels pain when their pet is dead, but man is happy when he kills termites (non-pet). It proves that death is not the pain/problem; it lies with the attachment.]
Death is not something to fear, but its function in life should be understood. Accepting death is a reality that will help us to realize that this life here is temporary, that the world is only a platform, and that we have come here on a journey to learn and grow, and then the journey switches to another phase depending upon our actions.
Always remember death. Everyone has to die. When we really ‘get’ that we are going to die, it changes us - this gives us a feeling of cherishing every moment, every flower, every person. Everyone should constantly remind themselves that they could physically die at any time. Remember, we are going to die someday (any moment). Seriously think about that. Contemplate it for a while. And in thinking about it, think about we you are leaving things and how we are using our life right now.
Requirements for a Death
A combination of 4 things is required to die. Until the combination is achieved, no one can die, but it does not apply to God's Devotee. The four things are:
How to accept the Law of Change
Here’s a method we can use to remind ourselves of death. You can personalize it and keep it with you. Live our life consciously aware that death is always standing by our side, only an arm’s length away. Then we will live accordingly. We won’t live in fear - quite the opposite. It frees us to live life fully. Everyone should contemplate their death - and it shouldn’t just be something you remind yourself of daily; it should be constant or as frequent as you can. It helps keep things in perspective and changes the way we live. We live when we are always aware that we might die any second. Awareness of death begets real life.
Always remember two things, and we will never be sorry: Death and GOD; Death will help us to remember that we have to leave, this world is just a platform, and we're just on a journey; It will remind us that our physical self will finally go away, and not to become attached to the world. We can only complete our duties and responsibilities selflessly and lovingly. Remembering GOD will help us realize that we are strong and HE is within us. Wherever we're walking, we are walking with HIM. We will be free from all fears.