What is Illusion/Maya?
It is a Godly power that has brought into existence the entire creation in its different forms and shapes and regulates its complete working. It is also called Illusion or better known as Matrix. This great power surrounds us all, and its effect is visible in all phases of our activity. We are whirling around within the glossy sphere of Maya, clinging at times to one or the other of the objects in view, thinking it to be Reality. Our senses, feelings, and emotions give it a new coloring and mold our actions accordingly. We remain entangled within the snare of Maya, without any hope of emancipation until we divert our attention toward the unchanging Reality at the root. This vast circle of material manifestation, the direct result of Maya, is unlimited. We go round and round in ceaseless motion like the rim of a wheel, farther and farther away from the pivot.
Maya is called Ignorance, a powerful force that turns truth to falsehood and falsehood to fact, unconscious to conscious and conscious to unconscious, happiness to sorrow, and sorrow to joy. It is capable of showing grand illusions to those who are unaware of their True-Nature. This universe, objects, and divisions of time are all mere fragments of imagination but appear real due to the power of ignorance. But there is no relation of Self with ignorance. Night and everything that dwells under its shelter disappear when the sun rises; similarly, the night of ignorance disappears when the lamp of Knowledge is lit within, and with it ends all vices, sorrows, and the cycle of life and death. The mind, which is home to all sorrows, is not a part of the Self but appears so due to ignorance.
Maya has three powers. Once the following problems are overcome, we can meet God. This world in Matrix exists because of these powers.
Basically, "Veil's" responsibility is to hide the original thing; "Fifth's" job is to show something different; "Turbulence's" responsibility is to create "change" in the thing that "Filth" created so that the mind feels happiness and sadness. Veil has hidden the truth (Atma/Soul), and Filth has shown this world, and finally, Turbulence confirms this world is truth and creates happiness and sadness.
e.g. [ Look at the following image. If your eyes follow the movement of the rotating pink dot, you will only see one color, pink. The moving dot turns green if you stare at the black + in the center. If you concentrate on the black + in the center of the picture, all the pink bubbles will slowly disappear, and you will only see a green dot rotating if you're lucky! There is no green dot, and the pink ones don't disappear. This should be proof enough; we don't always see what we think we see, and our senses are unreliable. ] http://swamij.com/illusion-purple-dots.htm