Quality of Water
When judging water quality, it is essential to ensure sufficient biologically important minerals, but the water's energetic state should also be considered. However, we force the water through chemical cleaning processes with toxic chemicals like chlorine added to it. The water travels through pumps and pipes of iron, concrete, or plastic without considering the consequences for the quality of the water. The result of such treatment is dead water.
But in nature, the whirling motion of water in streams and rivers, which meander and flow naturally, are factors responsible for its buoyancy and self-cleaning abilities. Several scientists did extensive research into the extraordinary properties of water, and their research is very well documented. Some of them are: Viktor Schauberger, Rudolf Steiner, Theodor Schwenk, John Wilkes, and Dr. Masaru Emoto.
Ability of Water to Store Information
Water can read, store, and transmit the vibrational pattern of anything, whether a physical object, emotion, thought, or spiritual being. The water always remains the same at the chemical level, but at the energy and vibrational level, it acquires a "memory" that it can transmit and reproduce forever. This "memory" can be used for all physical, psychological, and spiritual purposes. That means we can influence water with the information we give it, and water can influence us with the information it carries. Since a large proportion of our bodies consist of water, it’s no surprise that a specific frequency brought within the water, or the energy that we take into our bodies, will quickly spread through the body and aura; therefore, water is the best source for quick healing if vibrational/energy healing is to be performed. All water is sensitive to subtle energy vibrations. That is the reason that in almost all religion’s baptism involves water. This is the working principle for all homeopathic medicines.
How Water Stores and Transmits Energy
Our cells contain 75 to 90% water. Therefore, our cells also emit bio-photons which control vital processes. DNA lies in the center of every living cell, surrounded by water. The DNA contains instructions on how the cell should behave and replicate in the form of light/energy via the surrounding water because water stores and shares information - from ALL energy sources, man-made or natural. The energy from our DNA gradually expands out from the center of the cell, spreading throughout the whole body via the water in our bodies. It extends beyond our physical bodies to the Auric or Biophysical field due to the water molecules in the air around us. This is how, through water, we and our energy field interact and communicate with everything around us.
The bodily fluids transport “messages” throughout the body: the blood, lymph, cerebra-spinal and interstitial fluids all cue the body to its general state. They do this through the substance quality in their liquid medium. If these fluids are sluggish, thanks to toxic debris, the body will be in a state of disrepair. So, drinking LIVING water is very important, not just dead water.
How Living Water draws energy from Cosmos
The largest systems, all the way down to the most miniature systems, use the magic of the vortex to facilitate their activity; The Earth’s solar system rotates vortically; The Earth moves on a wobble that evokes vortical movement; Even DNA moves along a vortical form; Fossils and shells illustrate vortical structure; Tornados; Spiraling growth of plants; Waves in the ocean; Fire; Water naturally forms vortices when flowing around stones and other object and so on. Vortex is Nature’s mechanism for increasing the quality of energy from a lower to a higher level.
The vortex is a primal source of movement in nature. Vortices result from a self-organizing flow where a substance rotates around its axis with a decreasing radius. The speed of rotation increases toward the center, where a sub-pressure forms. Theoretically, the speed at the center of a vortex is infinite—capable of breaking through dimensional boundaries.
Vortex is Nature’s finest creative/organizing force which gathers and disperses the energy keeping the entire cosmos organized and alive. Viktor Schauberger saw life’s many processes as a part of an indivisible whole—linked by spiral movement. He identified two forms of motion in Nature: "Right/Clockwise (Outward expanding)" used by Nature to encourage breakdown and decomposition, whereas "Left/Counter-clockwise (Inwardly spiraling)" used to build up, create, and energize.
Water draws cosmic energy from the universe when a vortex is generated within the water. The water which runs through the vortex changes its structure. Structured water surrounds chemicals and helps them to be neutralized or not taken in by the body. The chemical is still there, but it is in a different structure. The toxins or unwanted things in normal water are pushed within the molecule of water and will not be absorbed by our body and will directly lead to an elimination system attaching with them other unwanted things from the human system.
Structured Water
It is not only the chemical property (H2O) of water that matters, but all the powers of water lie in its crystalline/structured state. It does matter how the hydrogen and oxygen are arranged in the water molecule. , e.g., Both Charcoal and Diamond are chemically made up of Carbon, but due to their crystalline structure of the carbon atom, they are entirely different. All natural water is structured water.
Also much of the water in a healthy human body is in a liquid crystalline/structured state. Many components of the body are also considered to be liquid crystals, including collagen and cell membranes. These tissues work cooperatively with structured water to create an informational network reaching every cell. The liquid crystalline organization of the human body accounts for the instantaneous transfer of signals and other biological information. Healthy DNA is surrounded by structured water. This water is responsible for the DNA’s stability. Structured water is also responsible for supporting the electromagnetic field surrounding DNA. As water loses its crystalline structure (because of age and disease), the integrity of the DNA is often compromised. Youthful DNA, surrounded by crystalline/structured water, has a much stronger electromagnetic field than DNA from older individuals.
Once the water is structured, it acts as a superconductor for this cosmic energy. It is because water’s actual geometric shape is icosahedrons, and icosahedron is one of the Platonic Solid which can resonate with the powers of the Universe. Tap water or water from distressed environments is not structured and, therefore, unsuitable for health. But there are various ways it could be restored (partially or fully) back to its original structured state.
Suggestions for Health
It will be our bodies' best interest to drink Living (Structured) water. There are various ways to convert normal water to structured water by using Vortex.
How to convert normal water into Structured Water
Holy Water can regenerate itself. All we need to do is to take nine drops of them, put them in a bottle with one liter of tap water (preferably in the morning), and let them rest for 24 hours. The tap water will be transformed into “Holy water” during that time. It means that nine drops of “Holy Water” can go a life-time.