Why are Diseases increasing Day by Day?
Why every year, more and more people get cancer, heart disease, diabetes, sclerosis, lupus, muscular dystrophy, asthma, migraine headaches, joint, neck, and back pain, acid reflux, ulcers, and stomach problems, chronic fatigue, sexual dysfunctions, infertility, prostate problems, allergies, arthritis, constipation, fibromyalgia, cold sores, and herpetic breakouts, menopause issues, insomnia, bad skin, acne, dandruff, more kids having severe problems, depression, stress and anxiety, flu than ever before? The list of these diseases is endless.
And that is when every year, there are exceedingly more significant amounts of people going to visit doctors; more and more people getting diagnostic testing, such as blood tests, blood sugar tests, and x-rays; more and more are taking non-prescription and prescription drugs; more and more surgeries each year than ever before? Think about it twice!!!
Education System and Licensing authorities for Doctors
The pharmaceutically prepared medical school curriculums train Doctors to believe that disease symptoms are the source of disease. They are taught to "fight an all-out war" on symptoms. They have three arsenals they call upon to try to conquer our disease’s symptoms; cut (surgery), burn (radiation and cryogenics), and poison (pharmaceuticals). It is not the doctors’ fault; they are like us and are being taught wrong and outdated concepts.
Moreover, fresh doctors usually take considerable loans to complete their degrees; secondly, all doctors are bound by their licensing authorities. To retain their license and pay back massive amounts of loans, they are bound to work within their protocol (as defined by licensing authorities in collaboration with Pharmaceutical companies). Doctors face problems when they want to implement free/cheap/non-patented therapies, so they must constrain themselves. These days even doctors cannot prescribe based on their decades of experience; they have to prescribe only the allowed medicines (by Pharmaceutical companies)
Hospitals, doctors, drug companies, and nurses are so protected by law; they are the law.
Pharmaceutical Companies
Most of us are under the impression that somewhere in the research labs, prominent scientists, doctors, and researchers are searching for new medical methods and cures that will relieve and eradicate physical suffering and illness – and that as soon as they make these wondrous discoveries, they will immediately release the results of their studies. But the reality is that medical researchers do not ultimately decide what medical treatments the public receives as a result of medical research studies. The ultimate authority is the drug company. Medical research requires funding, and researchers have primarily depended on pharmaceutical companies since the beginning of modern medicine.
The drug industry’s best interest is to ignore and invalidate medicines and traditional therapies that cannot be patented and do not produce significant profits. And in simple economic terms, this is how any business survives and prospers – by selling and promoting the products that make the most money. Simple, inexpensive medicines like herbs, homeopathy, and numerous other healing modalities are just as effective and safer; much less expensive than chemical drug compounds. Still, they are unsuitable for drug company profits and, therefore, are not promoted and sold and sometimes (actually most of the time) are suppressed. The wrong information is intentionally published regarding those remedies.
Even modern science believes that the human species is the most advanced and intelligent specie on this earth and everything is self-sustainable of its own. Then why cannot “The human”? i.e., See how this most intelligent human is so clueless about its health. We run to doctors for all our physical/mental problems because we have been educated in this way by so-called Universities. You might have seen what a dog does when he is sick; first, he won't eat anything, and next, he will try to eat grass, and then suddenly, within a few hours or maybe a day or so, he would be fine. Understood something?? No, we are not telling you to eat grass to get cured. The dog does not run to his doctor; he knows that nature is there to help him. Do you still think that we are more intelligent than a dog? But these days, we have started feeding our pets canned food, and thus they also visit doctors, but this problem does not exist with wild animals living in nature.
How to care take of OUR Body
People have formed a habit of leaning on others. They always want others to help and tell them what to do and what not to do. This is a bad habit. We are human beings; we should take charge of our-self. If we become too dependent on a therapist, a preacher, or a healer, then what’s the use of our brain? It means we allow our lives to be governed by our trainer/healer/doctor. By becoming dependent on therapists, our power of self-motivation and self-guidance will never be allowed to unfold.
Unfortunately, today’s consumers have been exposed to the most intensive media advertising barrage in the history of medicine. They are now conditioned to expect drugs and health therapies to deliver an instantaneous "punch" – regardless of such methods' cost, side effects, or ultimate consequences. As a result, all medications add to the plaque! The truth about drugs is that they strengthen the real enemy and weaken the body’s self-healing abilities! The body is designed to keep you alive; it can do it if we support it and don’t block it!
Doctors say, "Today’s chronic diseases – both social and medical – are symptoms of a more vast underlying problem. They culminate in years of inadequate nutrition, a toxic environment, sedentary lifestyles, familial and social disruptions, and dependence on artificial agents (from cigarettes to cocaine) for happiness. These abuses affect every cell in our bodies – from the brain to the immune system.”
The reality is that health is the equilibrium between the mind, body, and the external world; disease disrupts this natural harmony. Therefore, treatments should involve creating conditions in which the body can maintain and cure itself through internal healing mechanisms. Modern medicine is also good in specific cases, including surgeries, but care should be taken; it should not go over the edge.