Library of Mind, Body, and Soul
God >>> Why we cannot see God

Why can we not Experience God?

We can only find something if we look into the right spot and use the proper functioning tools for searching. In the same way, we cannot experience the Absolute Truth (God) because we are "Searching God in the wrong spot" and the "Mind has Faults."

Searching God in the wrong spot

He is within us, but we search for Him in the outside world. It is like going in quest of a conch shell after giving up the precious diamond in hand. You will not find Him anywhere else if you cannot find Him in your heart.

e.g. [There was a cage set with mirrors on all sides, and a full-blown rose was kept in the center of the cage. In the cage was a nightingale, and the bird saw the reflection of the rose in the mirrors. Whichever way the bird saw, there was the rose! Every time she flew towards the rose in the mirror, every time she struck the mirror and fell back wounded. But as the bird turned its face away from the mirrors, the rose was in the center of the cage.  O, Man! This world is the cage. And the pleasures we seek outside are within ourselves.]

e.g. [An Old lady was frantically searching for something outside her house, and a passerby offered his help to the old lady. The old lady said that she was looking for a needle. The person asked the lady for more details about where she lost the needle. The lady replied that she had lost the needle inside her house. The person got the shock of his life and asked the lady if she had lost the needle inside her home, then why she was looking for the needle outside her house. The lady replied there was no light inside the house, so she started looking outside. In the same way, God is inside us, but we find darkness inside our hearts and therefore try to find God outside.]

Moreover, the external world keeps changing. Everything we experience in the outer world is a manifestation of something else. The house is made of bricks, and the bricks are made of sand. The flowers arise from the soil, only to return to the ground. Today's friend is tomorrow's enemy, and then again, friend. The form changes, and we call it "house" instead of "sand," or "flower" instead of "soil," or "friend" instead of "foe," or "dead" instead of "living" while all along it is made of the same stuff of the Universe, ever stable, ever pure.

e. g [Consider the modern invention of television and the ‘picture’ we see on it. The ‘pictures’ we see are not pictures but many individual lines of parts of the image, flashing at us one at a time. They start at the top or bottom of the screen and go to the other end. But these lines appear faster than our human perception can process, so we don’t see them as individual lines being ‘flashed’ one at a time. Instead, the many lines seem to be everywhere, making whole pictures. Movies are similar. As many as 30 still images are being flashed in one second. We see it as a seamless presentation and imagine that the people and things on the screen are moving, but they aren’t. Thus, everything we think we see is just an illusion - not its proper form - just a ‘conceptual form’ created by our brain. Then to make matters worse, we process that information through the ‘filters’ of our emotions and preconceptions. This all leaves us with a wildly false illusion of reality.]

Mind has faults

The mind is the instrument through which God can be experienced. But the Mind is under the influence of Illusion/Matrix and cannot work correctly through its senses and clouded intellect. Our senses are unreliable. While the external world keeps changing, the senses with which we observe the world can experience only within their limited range. Everything in this universe is vibration. A particular field of vibrations manifests in physical form, which our eyes can see. Then a higher degree of pulses can also be heard by ears but cannot be seen. And so on. In other words, the eyes see only a limited range; the ears hear only a limited capacity, and so also with smell, taste, and touch. They all provide helpful, though limited, inadequate information when seeking Truth or Reality. God/Truth is behind the senses. Even our Mind is clouded and cannot process information accurately because of likes, dislikes, etc.

e.g. [Our naked senses tell us the earth is motionless, and each day the sun travels around our planet, but in reality, the earth spins on its axis and orbits the sun in an elliptical orbit.]

e.g. [Look at the following image (click on this link:  ). If your eyes follow the movement of the rotating pink dot, you will only see one color, pink. The moving dot turns green if you stare at the black + in the center. If you concentrate on the black + in the center of the picture, all the pink dots will slowly disappear, and you will only see a green dot rotating if you're lucky! There is no green dot, and the pink ones don't disappear. This should be proof enough; we don't always see what we think we see, and our senses are unreliable.]

e.g. [If the mirror is dirty, we cannot see ourselves in the mirror. Same way, the Mind needs to be purified to see God.]

e.g. [Once a bird picked the queen's costly necklace and flew away, and the queen became sad. King ordered his servants to follow the bird and bring back the chain, but the servants could not find the chain. King announced that whosoever found the queen's necklace would be rewarded. After a few days, a person reported that the queen's necklace was seen in a pond. King immediately left for that pond along with his servants. When the king and his servants reached the pond, they could see the necklace at the bottom because the water in the pond was clear and calm. King ordered his servants to dive into the pond and bring back the necklace; the servants followed the order and searched for the chain in the pond but could not find it; the king joined them. The water in the pond gets muddy, and ripples are created because of the king and his servants' activity in the pond. After searching in vain, they came out of a pond and tried to see the necklace, but as the water was full of mud and ripples, they could no longer see the chain in the pond. They waited some time to get the soil to settle at the bottom and the water clear of ripples. Once the water is calm and clear, they can see the necklace at the bottom. They again dived into the water to get the chain but could not find one. They repeated the above procedure for a full day. Finally, a wise man passed by and asked why King and his servants were spoiling their clothes in the pond. He was told the whole story. The wise man asks them to show him the necklace in the pond to which he was shown. After seeing the necklace in the pond, the wise man immediately responded that King and his servants were looking at the image of the chain and that the genuine necklace was hanging at the tree at the banks of that pond. Same way, we are looking for God and searching for happiness in the external world (which is the image/creation of God) and eventually getting pain, but the actual place of God's abode is within everyone and outside.]

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